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Happy Birthday, Valentine!

Dear Molly,

Happy Birthday, My Love Bug! Four years.  It has been four years almost exactly until the moment I met you. -Going back to the moment I met you. I get choked up with emotion everytime I think about it. Sometimes I find myself hugging you, closing my eyes and just letting myself be back there for a few seconds knowing it’s an important piece of your story. The moment I met you was not felt with overwheming joy like most mothers might descibe. It was full of an instense cocktail of emotions. I was thrilled to meet you and very happy to have a daughter. But just as intensely, I felt guilt and heartache. We weren’t expecting you to be born with a cleft lip and palate. We were told otherwise from a 3D ultrasound and a direct question. It was a shock. I felt irrational guilt that I genetically gave that to you and saddness knowing what it entails… all of it… from surgeries to mean kids. It was a tough 24 hours.

Thank God for your dad. My saddness quickly turned to determination. When I looked at you, I saw you just as you are today. You were tiny (6 pounds, 4 ounces and 18 inches). Most people who held and cared for you remarked on how little and fragile you were, some asked if you were premature. That’s when I dubed your first nick name, Mighty Molly. I knew you were infanity stronger and wiser and more remarkable than most. I could feel it in every fiber of my being.  Each day since, you have proved this to be true. My God you’re wonderful! You light up any room you enter. You make me feel like the luckiest mom who ever lived. You have proven your strength and will over and over again in your four years. You’re brilliant and athletic… and a girly princess too. I love you, my Valentine.

Happy Birthday!


Molly is the inspiration behind my photography project, Project Molly’s Eyes. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to spread this message. It’s also a great time to check out a recent post about my free April sessions for a handful of special needs kids, not only cleft lip and palate.  Click Here for more info.



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